God will make a way CG
When there seems to be no way. CGEm
He works in ways, we cannot see, CD
He will make a way for me.
He will be my guide, CG
Hold me closely to His side. CGEm
With love and strength, for each new day, CD
He will make a way, CG
He will make a way.
By a roadway in the wilderness he leads me. EbFG
Rivers in the desert will I see. CD
Heaven and earth will fade, BmEm
But His word will still remain. CDE
He will do something new today!
God will make a way CG
When there seems to be no way. CGEm
He works in ways, we cannot see, CD
He will make a way for me.
He will be my guide, CG
Hold me closely to His side. CGEm
With love and strength, for each new day, CD
He will make a way, CG
He will make a way.
With love and strength, for each new day, CD
He will make a way, CG
He will make a way.
Pentru a adăuga comentarii vă rugăm să vă autentificați.
God will make a way
Absolut magnific mesajul acestui cantec! Si melodia e super. Mi-as dori sa poata fi tradusa in romaneste si cuvintele sa aiba aceeasi forta.
very good
Pentru a semnala o problemă vă rugăm să vă autentificați.
Matei 5:11Ferice va fi de voi când, din pricina Mea, oamenii vă vor ocărî, vă vor prigoni şi vor spune tot felul de lucruri rele şi neadevărate împotriva voastră!
Absolut magnific mesajul acestui cantec! Si melodia e super. Mi-as dori sa poata fi tradusa in romaneste si cuvintele sa aiba aceeasi forta.